Wednesday 25 September 2013

What's on my mind...

During English Class today we did an exercise called 'What's on your mind?' So we had to write down on a piece of paper about what we were thinking at this very moment. it could be anything and in a different sequence. So for the second time I'll try to do it here.

Here we go:

My only worry at the moment is to bring the booking for a concert to a Box Office so I get the ticket for this specific concert. And I am guessing that you wonder which one it is ;)
 have so much to do and can't sleep? Is it because I am scared about what I've just read: If you wake up at 2am or 3am for no reason there's an 80% chance that someone's watching you.
But who would be watching me? My room is on the third floor, maybe it's just made up nonsense. My phone also looses its battery very (or as my friends say 'fairy') fast. Am I charging it wrong? Or did I overuse it?
I think a lot and whenever I think about one thing, other things relevant to this one thing pop into my mind. No wonder I have sleeping-problems. Part of the cast for the book series and upcoming movie 'Fallen' got announced. This reminds me of the book that I am reading currently 'Divergent' it has a lot of descriptions in it so it makes the reader imagine everything. One of the reasons why I was disappointed when I saw the trailer to it.
Looking at my MacBook I think that I should change my background but then I would have to get used to it again, and even though it looks boring I still want to have it. I just don't like changes. Like the IOS 7 I was very disappointed when I saw my friend's phone. Now it doesn't have the Unique Theme that the previous IOSs had it looks more like a Samsung, HTC, Lumia, etc. The new features are just like the other Smart Phones, there is nothing new. Then why do so many people love it?

For those five minutes that I have been writing, I have though a lot. I think I am more the thinker type than the type that says what he/she thinks aloud. I also judge people too fast. I would love to change that.
I should also order a new skin for my phone. I am very addicted to Online Shopping.
But there's one thing that annoys me very much! Selfies, but not the ones that upload one or two. I get annoyed by the ones that upload 15 pictures of only themselves and then they tag themselves as #ugly #fat, etc Well then you as yourself 'Then why did you upload this picture?!' Well I don't think they get much sympathy so in their next picture they'll tag  #whydoesnooneanswer or #everyonehatesme or #nobodycaresbaoutme

Well, I think I've shared enough of my thoughts with you guys, I'll keep the rest for me ;)

Got a secret, can you keep it?

Every person has secrets and not all of them are harmless and as a quote says: "Never trust a girl with an ugly secret"
Don't you just love it when your best friend or someone else tells you their secret? It makes you feel special and also this person that told you, trusts you.
Rule #1: Don't try breaking this trust. If the person tells you not to tell then don't. Would you like it if someone spills your secret even though you told them not to?

Rule #2: Whatever the secret is, try to act as if nothing happened.

Rule #3: Only share your secrets to people whom you really trust, don't tell them to your biggest enemy just because she was nice to you.

Pretty Little Liars is a very interesting show because it is relevant to this post. In the series the four girls have secrets and they aren't (as I already mentioned) harmless...

Me: Can you guys keep a secret??

(Most likely the answer would be yes)

Me: Ha ha, me too!!

Saturday 14 September 2013

Upside Down - Movie Review

The film starts with Adam telling the story of his planet, unique from other planets as it is the only one that has dual gravity. Two planets exist next to another. The gravity of the planets have 3 rules:
  1. All matter is pulled by the gravity of the world that it comes from, and not the other.
  2. An object's weight can be offset by matter from the opposite world (inverse matter).
  3. After some time in contact, matter in contac
    t with inverse matter burns.
The two worlds are separated. While the upper world (Up) is rich and prosperous, the lower (Down) is poor. Up buys cheap oil from Down and sells electricity back to Down at higher prices. Going Up or having contact with anyone from Up is strictly forbidden and can be punishable by incarceration or the death penalty. The only connection linking the two worlds is through the company "TransWorld", housed in a majestic building structure.
Adam lives in an orphanage in Down, having lost his parents in an oil refinery explosion. The only living relative he has is his great-aunt, whom he visits every week. His great-aunt has a secret recipe for flying pancakes using pollen from pink bees which gather pollen from both worlds. The recipe has passed through generations and will be inherited by Adam.
As a child, Adam secretly climbs a mountain that gets very close to Up. There he meets Eden, a girl from Up. Years later in their teens, they are in a relationship. They meet on the mountains and Adam uses a rope to pull Eden towards Down, and they head to the woods for a stroll. They are later discovered, and while Adam frantically releases Eden back to her world, he gets shot and drops her. Helpless, he watches Eden lying motionless on the ground as blood oozes from her head. When he returns home, his aunt is arrested and her home destroyed.
Ten years later, Adam is now working on creating an anti-gravity product using his great-aunt's recipe. The recipe allows matter to feel both gravitational fields at once. Adam is developing it as a cosmetic product for face-lifts. Then he sees Eden on TV and learns she is alive and works at TransWorld. He finally works out his formula and gets hired by TransWorld to develop the face-lift cream. Adam's plan is to find Eden in TransWorld. In his office he meets Bob, a TransWorld employee from Up becomes his friend after he helps him obtain rare stamps from Down. Bob offers to help him contact Eden.
With the help of Bob, Adam meets Eden by putting Up-material in his clothes to disguise himself as a worker from Up, using Bob's name as his own. But Eden doesn't recognize him, suffering from amnesia from the accident as a teen. The Up-material in Adam's clothes starts to burn so he has to return to Down. Later on, Bob is fired but as he leaves, he secretly gives Adam his ID to help him exit the TransWorld building and into Up. Later, by calling Eden through Bob's phone, Adam manages to get a date.
Meanwhile, his cosmetic cream becomes of great importance to the company. While Adam is doing a presentation of the cream, Eden sees him, shocked that he is from Down and learns his real name. Adam runs to find her but Bob's ID, having been terminated, lands him in trouble. He escapes to Bob's house. He shows him that by mixing the matter from both gravity areas can make matter that resists both gravitational fields and tells him he didn't give TransWorld the secret ingredient of his compound, leaving the company unable to produce the product without him.
With Bob's help, he goes back to the restaurant where he met with Eden before and finds out she started to remember him. But the cops come and he has to run. When he returns to his planet, he goes to the mountain top where he met Eden. Eden comes to find him and they meet as they used to. But cops find them again and, as they fail to escape, Eden is arrested while Adam drops. TransWorld agrees to drop the charges against Eden if Adam gives them his formula and never contacts Eden again.
Now Adam has gone back to his old life, believing he will never see Eden again. Eden goes to Bob for help. Bob finds Adam and surprises him by showing he can stay Down without the help of the weight supplements; Bob has been able to use Adam's methods to create a way to negate the effect of gravity. Bob tells him he had the patent of his beauty cream before TransWorld and tells him he has a date.
The film ends with Eden becoming pregnant with twins. Adam tells of their act and how it has changed their worlds forever, the two worlds now equalized in wealth and status.

Friday 13 September 2013

Now You See Me -Movie Review

I recently watched the Movie 'Now You See Me' and I was totally fascinated by it. This movie fulfilled my expectations and I recommend it for all of you to watch!

Now You See Me is a 2013 American caper thriller film directed by French director Louis Leterrier starring an international cast. It was released on May 31, 2013. Despite the mixed reviews from critics, the film has proved to be a box office success, and a sequel has been officially confirmed.
Four street magicians—J. Daniel Atlas, Henley Reeves, Jack Wilder, and Merritt McKinney—are brought together by an unknown benefactor and, one year later, perform in Las Vegas as "The Four Horsemen", sponsored by insurance magnate Arthur Tressler. For the finale, a member of the audience is invited to help them in their next trick: robbing a bank. That member in an audience is Étienne Forcier, account holder at Credit Republicain de Paris bank. Forcier is apparently teleported to a bank in Paris, where he activates an air-duct that vacuums up the money and showers it onto the crowd in Las Vegas.
Upon discovering that the money really is missing from the bank vault, FBI agent Dylan Rhodes is called to investigate the theft and is partnered with Interpol agent Alma Dray. They interrogate the Four Horsemen, but release them when no explanation can be found. Rhodes meets Thaddeus Bradley, an ex-magician who makes money by revealing the secrets behind other magicians' tricks. Bradley was in the audience and deduced that the Four Horsemen stole the money weeks before, and manipulated the audience's perception of current events.
Rhodes, Dray, and Bradley attend the Four Horsemen's next performance in New Orleans. The group's finale involves them stealing roughly $140 million from Tressler's bank account and distributing it to the audience, composed of people whose insurance claims had been denied or reduced by Tressler's company. Rhodes attempts to arrest the Four Horsemen, but they escape with help from audience members. An infuriated Tressler hires Bradley to expose and humiliate the Four Horsemen in their next performance. Later, while researching the Four Horsemen's background, Dray learns about rumors of a secret society of magicians called "The Eye" and suggests to a skeptical Rhodes the case might be tied to a magician named Lionel Shrike, whom Bradley had exposed 30 years earlier and who was so embarrassed that he undertook a dangerous underwater stunt and drowned.
The Four Horsemen are located in New York, but they escape during the raid to arrest them. However, Wilder is apparently killed when he crashes a stolen car and it bursts into flames and explodes. The remaining Horsemen vow to continue and complete their final performance, stealing a safe made by the same company that made the safe Lionel Shrike died in. Then they perform their one last show at 5 Pointz during which they seemingly vanish into thin air, transforming into loads of money that is showered on the crowd. The money turns out to be fake and the real money is found stashed in Bradley's Range Rover. Bradley is then assumed to be fifth Horseman and arrested, though it appears he was framed.
Rhodes visits Bradley in his cell. Bradley explains the only way the safe could have been removed was if Wilder was still alive but they would have also needed an inside man. Bradley now realizes that Rhodes is the fifth Horseman. Rhodes tells him he wants Bradley to spend the rest of his life in jail.
The Horsemen are now rejoined by Wilder, whose death was staged. They finally meet their benefactor and are surprised to find it is Rhodes. He welcomes them into "The Eye."
Rhodes later meets Dray on the Pont des Arts in France and is revealed to be the son of Lionel Shrike, the magician who drowned years ago. He masterminded and designed the Horsemen plot to obtain revenge on those involved: Bradley, for humiliating his father; the Credit Republicain de Paris and Tressler's company, who refused to pay the insurance on his father's death; and the company that produced the substandard safe used in the trick that led to its failure. Dray, however, decides not to turn him in. When Dray sees the lock with a key that Rhodes magically handed out in front of her eyes, Rhodes proclaimed, "One more secret to lock away". As soon as Dray locks the lock on a chained fence with all of the locks that have been locked, she throws the key into the Seine.
In a post credit scene in the extended cut, The Horsemen are seen arriving at the Neon Museum in Las Vegas. They find crates marked with the sign of the 'Eye'. The movie ends with them looking for the four key cards to open the crates that hold their new equipment.


Personal Thoughts:
The four horsemen including the FBI agents are all great actors and the tricks/illusions that got performed by the four horsemen really amazed me because they seemed so real as if they were wizards. 
But I have some questions
1. Why did Dylan Rhodes want Thaddeus Bradley locked up in prison? It never said throughout the movie what he did to Rhodes.
2. The four horse men were only four illusionists and not professionals, so how did they learn and perform those stunning tricks?
3. Why would Dylan Rhodes be against them when he is the person in the hoodie?
4. If the four horsemen knew that Jack Wilder was still alive (after the car crash) why would they be so sad about it when they talk to each other about how it was his biggest dream, and why it had to end so early.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

50 Shades of Grey Cast - Revealed!

After months of speculation of who will play Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey, the author E.L James finally tweeted the new Cast of the Movie.
Anastasia Steele will be played by Dakota Johnson and Christian grey will be played by the british actor Charlie Hunnam.

Dakota Johnson (23) has had small roles in the movies 'The Social Network', 'Beastly' and 'The five-year engagement'.

Charlie Hunnam (33) stars in the dark-biker thriller 'Sons of Anarchy'. He also appeared in the movie 'Pacific Rim'.
The producers apparently chose them because during the auditions they've had a great 'chemistry'.

These actresses/actors were speculated to be in the cast of the movie:
Ian Somerhalder
Henry Cavill
Alex Pettyfer
Max Irons
Robert Pattinson
Ryan Gosling

Cara Delevingne
Emma Watson
Kirsten Stewart
Jennifer Lawrence
Mila Kunis

My favorites would have been Alex Pettyfer and Cara Delevingne because they just seem perfect for the role, even though Cara's life isn't very innocent as Anastasia Steele's ;)

What do you think about it??

Monday 2 September 2013

DJ/ Electro Tracks - Martin Garrix

Have you heard of Martin Garrix? Well, he's the youngest and successful Electro House and Dutch House Dj at the age of 17!

Martijn Garritsen (his real name) was born on May 14th 1996 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

He had his beginnings with the Track "BFAM" featuring Julian Jordan. he got his DJ Talent of the Year award with his hit-song "Animals".

Incase you haven't heard any of his songs, click on the link(s) below.

BFAM - Martin Garrix feat. Julian Jordan

Animals - Martin Garrix

Personal Opinion: His songs are cool but only for parties. He has an extra bonus because he's very young. For me, Skrillex is the best Electro House producer because his songs are catchy. And actually, Martin Garrix' songs give me breathing problems because of the heavy beat xD But Garrix still produces great Party Tracks. What is your personal opinion?

Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites - Skrillex

Friday 30 August 2013

10 funny and weird phobias people suffer from

I have listed some phobias that people actually suffer from, "Phobia" is a greek word and it means 'fear'


Phobos in greek means fear too. So this phobia is the fear of fear. Unimaginable but there are people that suffer from it.


This is the fear of beautiful women. It is mostly suffered by men (!) It can cause panic attacks and damages their social interactions.


It is the fear of washing or cleaning your self. The people that have this phobia think that it is not doable. Mostly, it is found in women or children that are experiencing emotional instabilities or past traumas.


This is the fear of looking at your own refection in the mirror or the dread of mirrors itself. Watching horror movies that have mirrors in them.


This is the fear of dancing in public. It often happens because the victims are afraid of humiliation when dancing in public.


This is the fear of being stared at or seen and/or attracting everyone's attention. The victims usually stay at home to avoid being stared at. This damages their social skills.


This is the fear of money (!) Why would someone have a fear of money? Some people that have this, think that the money has germs on it. But wouldn't this be more a fear of germs?
These 'victims' prefer to use credit cards.


This extraordinary fear is, having peanut butter stuck on your plate. The trouble-free way to not get it stuck on your plate is to avoid buying peanut butter or not making any recipes containing peanut butter.


This is a fear of baldness. The people suffering from it get bothered and extremely alarmed whenever they see a bald person. To get to this fear, those people had either a bad childhood experience or heredity can be a probable cause.


It is almost like Claustrophobia except that the one suffering from it has problems breathing whenever they sit down. This fear might have been developed from a traumatic experience.

These phobias only occur in our minds. It's all mentally. I, for instance, suffer form Coulrophobia, the fear of clowns.

Which fear are you suffering from??